
浙侨英频 A bite of Lucheng, Wenzhou

2021-10-27 15:58:00

Though I have not been to those countries, I can learn about their cultures and customs from these foods. Especially in Turkish restaurant, I tasted the food similar to my hometown. Recently, Akmal, a foreign anchor of the Wenzhou Overseas Media Center, shared his feelings after checking out the Turkish and Spanish restaurants in Wenzhou.

Akmal, who has lived in China 3 years, can speak fluent Chinese now. Feng Renxi, the person in charge of Wenzhou Binhai Hotel, is the vice president of Zhejiang Overseas Chinese Youth Association. In this video, they checked out the international restaurants in Wenzhou, exchanging and sharing food cultures with each other.

It is understood that in recent years, linked by the overseas Chinese, foods from different countries have continuously flocked to Wenzhou. And people in Wenzhou can enjoy the benefits of the dietary diversification in their daily life. Different food cultures collide in Wenzhou, and various diet customs are blended here. The overseas Chinese in Wenzhou bring foods from different countries to Wenzhou, which not only helps to promote the internationalization level of this city, but actually also carries out a unique cultural exchanges. As the second generation of overseas Chinese, I hope that I can do more for Wenzhou. Feng Renxi said.


“侨”见鹿城与“食”俱进 品“味”鹿城

鹿城区是温州市的中心城区,也是重点侨乡,侨胞人数众多、知名侨领汇聚,现有海外华侨8.87万人、归侨侨眷5.2万人,分布于133个国家和地区。为庆祝建党100周年,助推鹿城“五大城市品牌”建设,鹿城区侨联推出《“侨”见鹿城发展》系列双语节目,以“侨”的视角,展现温州鹿城在经济、文化、生活等各方面所取得的巨大成就。节目将通过温州市海外传播中心(海外传播官之家)双语媒体集群向海内外播出。本次节目主题为《与“食”俱进 品“味”鹿城》。

浙侨英频 A bite of Lucheng, Wenzhou


浙侨英频 A bite of Lucheng, Wenzhou



来源 温州海外传播中心
